Internships and traineeships are now popular gateways to the world of work. For businesses, having a young person on board is a great opportunity – many interns are extremely talented, and can bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the table.
What is an internship?
An internship is a temporary work experience placement with an educational purpose, where the student implements what he or she has learned in the classroom in a real-life business setting.
Interns bring many benefits for businesses, keeping them in touch with the schools and colleges that are training their future employees. What’s more, interns can often bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the table.
How do you publish an internship offer?
The internship offer must be a temporary placement with a clearly defined purpose. It is not the same as a job offer.
You can get in touch with schools and colleges directly and ask them to circulate your offer among their students.
If you are a public entity, you can publish your offer on the Bourse Interministérielle de l’Emploi Public (Inter-ministerial Job Vacancy Portal, BIEP).
What is a traineeship?
A traineeship is a scheme under which the trainee spends part of his or her time in the workplace, and the other part in the classroom. There are two types of contract:
- Apprenticeship contract: for young people aged 16-25 studying for a degree. The contract of employment lasts for 1-3 years. The person studies at an apprentice training centre, for at least 400 hours a year. Young people on this type of contract receive between 25% and 78% of the minimum wage.
- Vocational training contract: for young people aged 16-25 and job-seekers aged 26 or over. The person receives a fixed-term contract of employment (normally 6-12 months, up to a maximum of 24 months). Training accounts for 15-25% of total working hours (minimum 150 hours per year). Young people aged 15-25 receive 55-80% of the minimum wage, and job-seekers aged 26 and over receive 80% of the minimum wage.
How do you recruit a trainee?
- Apprenticeship contract: go to, print out form Cerfa FA13, then send it to your relevant chamber or CCI.
- Vocational training contract: go to, print out form Cerfa EJ20, then send it to your relevant accredited training sponsorship body (OPCA).
How do you recruit a trainee?
- Apprenticeship contract: go to, print out form Cerfa FA13, then send it to your relevant chamber or CCI.
- Vocational training contract: go to, print out form Cerfa EJ20, then send it to your relevant accredited training sponsorship body (OPCA).ez.